Suppose you are in a deep sleep and you are dreaming... inside that dream everything is consistent with everything else... taste, gravity... love and pain ! Will you realize being within the dream that you are dreaming ? From my experience, the moment I encounter an inconstancy, a big one, most of the time I reach a conclusion that I am dreaming and just after that moment I either wake up completely or wake up for a moment and then continue dreaming and again forget that I woke up ! But if I don't see any inconstancy, everything just goes on and on like reality...
Now what is an inconsistency ? For an example, I see I am flying but not freely, I do swim in the air and I rise high up... but at some point I realized may be I am breaking "momentum conservation" as the air was not viscous enough ! And after that I dropped badly and the dream broke down ! Now "Noether's Theorem" is an established fact and so my flying failed... but see actually I was flying and within that dream I could still continue but I couldn't ! Now suppose someone doesn't know anything about the laws of nature will continue flying like me in his/her dream ! If I experience everything obeying the established laws of nature or something that is not yet established or we have never experienced and that which doesn't seem to contradict the established facts or may be I don't know the correspondence principle to compare that new experience with established facts, then I'll never realize whether its allowed or not and I'll go on experiencing it until I realize any inconsistency !
Once you realize the reality of the dream are you able to play around with the laws ? Are you able to suddenly jump like superman ? At least I can't do that as after the realization that I am dreaming usually leads me to waking up... and after waking up I cannot effect the reality within dream... as its a past ! So a person cannot effect the reality outside the dream and when one awakes one cannot alter anything within the dream which is now past !
The point is, are we all dreaming ?
In the primitive stage of mankind, almost everything was "unexplained" as we din't notice the laws... but then we started to see the patterns... and so discovering laws of nature, but what if all of these are laws of "a nature" that exist within a "long perfect dream" ? Suppose one has the ability to stay inside the dream at will even after knowing that he is dreaming so he will be able to play around with the laws as he know its all a dream... But only if he can stay within the dreaming without waking up !
Sounds like Matrix ? Or "advaita philosophy" ? Whatever, but can anyone prove logically that "it is impossible" ? I expect logical flaws in it.