Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Egosphere To Spacetime: The Mapping We Are ! (From my BS collection)

I have been dreaming of the floating sensation in the six dimensional fluid that always flow from here and now to the end of time and space.
There is no moment no event, there never was... it's just ... a collection of points that we associate with the abstract thing that we think to be something like space-time.
We change the association rules.. and so we feel like moving and growing or decaying. ...
And at some point we lose track of these point to point one-to-one associations... that moment we lose consciousness or identity... perhaps forever. .  unless in some rare occasions one can recover the mapping rules. 
These mappings from egosphere to space-time-sphere are the things that give us the illusion of meaning and existence.  But we actually exist forever (in a way) as mappings that never cease to exist... just each one of us have different number of points to be mapped to. .. but we are floating forever along with our imaginary sphere to sphere mappings.. each one of us with different Winding Numbers that define the Lie group that we create.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

   Photo source Nicole Brangwin

As far back as I can remember, I always thought about death.. almost all the time.. even in my dreams and I still do. Most of the time it scared me or saddened me at least... at first I tried to avoid it... but that seemed impossible.. you avoid it and it comes back and haunts you more...that's why I wanted to conquer it, mostly thinking about plausible physical immortality due to advanced technologies in the future ! But this is something you can never be certain of... although there's another way... by "embracing it and accepting it" .. that sounds too simple and achievable yet does anybody know how to do that ? If you ask maybe the response will be "huh.. why would anyone do that ? ". But somehow deep withing I knew that however crazy it may sound.. this is the only way to conquer this damn inevitable thing !
This is all the more reason to visit Bhutan, the country that has accepted "death" not only as something inevitable but something you must keep reminding yourself of every day and embrace it.
Everyone must read this beautiful BBC article.